Can Dentures Be Made For A Few Or Several Missing Teeth?

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Can Dentures Be Made For A Few Or Several Missing Teeth?

  • Types of Dentures:

    •Complete or Full Dentures - Patients that have lost all natural teeth.

    •Partial Dentures - Can be made for patients that have 1 or more missing teeth but also have some Natural teeth remaining.

    •Immediate Dentures - Patients that require extractions and do not want to be without missing teeth usually opt for immediate dentures, whereby teeth are extracted, and the dentures are fitted same day

    •Implant-Supported Dentures - This is usually opted by patients that have all natural teeth missing and require stability and retention with their full dentures.

  • Advantages of Dentures:

    •Restored Phonetic Function - Missing teeth can have a huge impact on social and personal life that can affect the chewing efficiency and speech. Dentures enable individuals to chew and speak more effectively.

    •Aesthetics - Dentures can restore the facial appearance and restore a natural smile.

    •Cost-Effective: - Compared to other dental treatment options and alternatives, dentures can be a more affordable and quick option.

  • Adjustment Period:

    •Every Patient is different, some patients take longer than others to adjust to the new dentures. Once the dentures are fitted it take time to adjust to wearing dentures. Initially, there might be discomfort or difficulty in speaking and eating. The patient would usually attend for a review appointment for any adjustments to make the dentures more comfortable.

  • Oral Care with Dentures:

    •It is important to keep your dentures clean. Avoid using any home remedies i.e., Bi-Carbonate soda or boiling hot water. Only use approved Denture cleaning products that are available from the pharmacy. Clean the dentures with lukewarm water in a bowl, avoid washing directly over the sink, in case if you drop it, it may cause fracture or breakage.

    •You must also brush your natural teeth, use dental floss and mouthwash. Should you have any concerns or need more information, then speak with the Dentist or the Dental Hygienist.

  • Lifespan of Dentures:

    •Dentures have a lifespan and need to be replaced over time due to changes in the jawbone structure or normal wear and tear. Old dentures can be worn down which affect the chewing efficiency and the aesthetics of the old dentures.

  • Consultation with the Dentist and the Clinical Dental Technician

    •There are different types of dentures, and it is essential to attend for the consultation with the Dentist and the Clinical Dental Technician to determine the most suitable type of denture. During the consultation the dentist will assess and examine the teeth, overall oral health, discuss all the options, prices and provide treatment options.

    •While dentures can significantly improve the quality of life for individuals with missing teeth, it's important to note that they require proper care and periodic adjustments. Regular dental check-ups are crucial for monitoring oral health and ensuring the continued effectiveness of dentures.